Most Talked Languages In The World 2019

Posted By admin On 08.10.19
  1. Most Talked Languages In The World 2019 Movie

Jun 13, 2019  Chinese, Spanish and English are estimated to be the three most spoken languages in the world.

  • Top 10 Most Spoken Languages in the world (and 10 of the Least Spoken) Let’s play a game. Try to name off the top 10 most spoken languages in the world. Ready, set, go! If you are like me, your list probably went “English, French, Spanish, ummm German, Chinese, and maybe Italian?” your confidence waning with each subsequent language.
  • Spanish: The far and wide spread of the Spanish language across Europe and the Americas has made it our No. 1 language to learn in the year 2019. With over 470 million native speakers and a growing number of non-native speakers, it is the most commonly spoken language in the world, second only to Mandarin Chinese.

Wondering what the best languages to learn are?Well, you may be drawn to a foreign language because you’re in love with a culture. Or perhaps you simply like the way it sounds.But maybe you’re a bit more pragmatic.Maybe it’s about maximising your opportunities – for business and work, or for travel.If so, we’re here to give you a bit of inspiration.

If you already know which language you’d like to learn, and start learning for free.Read on for some of the best foreign languages to learn in 2019, and why they’re useful. The best foreign language to learn in 2019 1. ArabicThe language is quickly becoming a seriously worthwhile investment for those hoping to reach the growing economies in the Middle East and Africa.According to the World Economic Forum, it’s the and it will probably continue to climb ranks as trade continues to expand to and from Arab nations. FrenchSo, turns out to be a slightly controversial one.A 2014 New Republic article, for instance, claims that it’s time to.Others claim that, where it remains the sole official language in 11 countries.So whether you want to travel to France, Quebec, or Sub-Saharan Africa, it’s still worth thinking about learning this lingua franca (pun intended) that could open some serious doors for your future. GermanWhile is only really officially spoken in six countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein), it is spoken as a native language by around 100 million people.Germany is the largest economy in Europe, making German an important language for international business and diplomacy. HindiA bit of a surprise, as Hindi isn’t always at the top of everyone’s mind when it comes to foreign languages.But if you remember our post about, it’s standing at an impressive #4 on the list, with 310 million native speakers.Based on popularity alone, it would be a shame to miss out on the growing number of opportunities you’ll get to speak Hindi – not to mention the access it will give you to rich and fascinating cultures.

Mandarin ChineseWhen Mark Zuckerberg, some were wowed, others amused, and others cynical.Let’s face it:Learning is one of the smartest moves you can make for business. At the current rate, and it’s already the world’s largest trading nation.Of course, there’s a lot more to Mandarin than a good business opportunity.It’s the most spoken language in the world – and the second most used online. So you’ll get plenty of opportunities to practise. PortugueseWhile you’ll be able to practise your with more than 10 million people in Portugal, Brazil seems to be the next frontier for South American business.Brazil is still the largest economy in Latin America, and it isn’t too hard to learn for native English speakers.In fact, the British Council added Portuguese in the top 10 most important languages for the UK future, a clear indication that it offers a world of opportunities for education, diplomacy and of course foreign investment. SpanishThe language can take you far.Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Dominican Republic, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela, Spainjust a few of the countries where you’ll be able to practice with more than 480 million native speakers across the globe.Chances are if you’re reading this post, you already have a pretty clear idea as to what foreign language you’d like to learn.But who knows, maybe you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket and add a third or fourth language to your skillset?The good news is that, you don’t have to focus on one language only. You can learn up to 12 languages at once and at your own pace, ensuring you really put all the linguistic odds in your favour.Feeling inspired yet?

Well from a global perspective they aren’t as useful, economic or as widely spoken as the above. Yes they will be of value to people that speak them but a great many languages are only useful if you want to visit or do business with very small geographical areas. To the people who speak them, it is part of their identity but I’m guessing even they wouldn’t expect outsiders to want to learn them, unless that person specifically wanted to do business with that people group. With that in mind, the majority of those languages you are referring to are found in Africa. It’s a fact that Africa is less developed than the Western World (target audience) therefore they less economic and less widely spoken (and therefore less useful) again with the target audience in mind. I’ve been learning several African languages because I want to work there but I don’t see any particular economic value in anyone else over here learning them. To me the biggest benefit of learning more obscure languages is that it opens your mind to a different way of seeing the world.I’m also curious where you got your statistic that so many languages are dying out from?

First of all, my statistic is nothing new, I thought it was something well known on a site about language learning, but I think you can find it in any book about sociolinguistics or anthropolinguistics. Even ethnolog published and warned several times about the gravity of the situation, so maybe you can find it there. “The estimate was that only 10% of languages seem safe in the long term” this is in ethnolog.After this, I can explain tones of examples of people who studied chinese, russian, arabic, german, or god knows how many languages just “to get rich”, and they ended up working or getting paid the same amount as a person with a “local” language. Even less.No, the country is not Africa. The country is the world.

There are endangered languages in my country, and I’m far of living in Africa. Also, I understand your point of view, because we (me and you and everyone) lived with it, but they ARE NOT less developed. Several languages in Africa, as you put the example, explain about things in the earth, like the sun, rain, rocks, trees and animals, and thousand different things that are necessary to survive in the world, things that someone wanting to make business with China doesn’t know about, therefore, developement is something rather subjective.As it comes to business with Africa, the Western World already did business with Africa, and they stole everything from it. Skyrim se guard overhaul. And I’d say that the same thing happened to most of the endangered languages that are not worth learning, but on that, I don’t have any statistic.Last but not least, I ask please, please to understand, that at least in my country, it is illegal to compare products to sell one more than the other, and those products are human invented, but languages are not. They are not songs, they are not milk brands, they are, as I said, biological. So if comparing brands is illegal, I don’t know what should it be talking about the best tool human being has (languages) as “best, useful, powerful, economic” and a large etcetera.


Most Talked Languages In The World 2019 Movie

Because the worst thing is not to convince someone that speaks spanish that hindi is powerful (which it also is), but to convince someone that speaks galician, for example, that his language is useless, powerless, worse, less economic, and that’s what causes the extinction of languages.I happen to speak most of the languages in the list, but the most important for me is my first language, which is not even in the app, and I can assure you I have a lot of friends that a lot of people would love to make business or have a conversation with. “Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity.” This comes on wikipedia but also in many dictionaries.Let me explain something.

Most Talked Languages In The World 2019World

In Nicaragua in the 90s, they tried to teach to a group of deaf kids to talk, which is impossible, and never works out really good. Instead, when they left them in the room, they started communicating with each other and in ten years they developped, naturally, a sign language, as complex as yours and mine, that is, they could say ANYTHING you can say with your language. So, as I am telling you, it’s something that if we have the chance to develope, we do it, and for geographic matters, contact, etc etc, language changes, and creates what we understand by “languages”. Very similar as the skin color, hair, eyes.

It reacts to your nature and that of your environment. As one of my colleagues in linguistics used to say, no french kid had throat ache when he learned to pronounce their “r”, or a khoisan when he started to make their “clicks”.

So it’s as natural for them as any sound in your language is for you. Then, to see languages as an instrument to make money is somehow twisted, but this is not where I’m going.I’ll reach to something more personal. Not so long ago, a friend of mine told me that my language is useless because everyone that speaks it, speaks another major one. That friend also put the example of swedish, saying swedish is useless, since every swedish speaks english. I work as a linguist as profession, so I don’t get offended because I get this everyday, but many other people do get offended, and many other forget their language because they start to believe this sort of bull-youknowwhat. As a linguist I know all of the different steps of language extinction, and I’m seeing mine dying in front of my eyes (mine, and 6 more in my country, so in this sense is nothing that personal).Why is it racism?

Language, as I said, is biological, somehow genetical, and evolves with us. Saying one language is better than the other, or useful, or even more musical, is talking about superiority.

For 60000 thousand years, I’d say that most of the human conflicts are not because they spoke different languages, but because of bad intentions from a group of people towards the other. Yes, spanish is a very expanded language, but why? How many cultures (and I don’t want to come in with actual lives) did they kill? A real statistic is that since Colombus got to America, the number of languages is reduced to one half of them. They brought western world to america.It’s on the news how Bolsonaro in Brasil is pushing out the tribes Aruak, Baniwa and others to expand “business”, western culture, or portuguese (up there, on the list). So nothing comes on its own and everything is connected.

The more people speak a language, the more twisted they become.And this is just the beginning. In my country I see three major languages in contact with each other. It’s funny how they fight and smile as if nothing happened, and then they make strong linguistic politics to protect their “rights”.

It’s just like seeing another world war coming, but like a few decades in advance. Because let’s face it, major languages don’t want to share their piece of cake, but talking about wars that still not happened, it’s speculating too much.It’s on our hands, and the first step is to condemn this sort of “statements” like “10 best languages”, “useful”, “powerful” Honestly, I see a lot of this, but this was worth interrupting. And it was not even me that saw it, but a colleague trying to keep this diversity going on. For a person who is able to converse in a number of languages, and is so passionate on the subject; you supprise me.

I would have thought, that the top priority in learning any language is to be understood by the people who speak it. I’ll try to ignore the personal stuff adressed to me.Learning a language NOT ONLY allows you to talk, but also to understand a different culture with a different point of view, so technically you can do this from your sofa. Anyway I discovered this living among 40 people in the north of Siberia, that the gift was their culture, and people was the living culture.Yes, we do get bored with a subject and then switch it, but those “less developped” cultures and languages don’t do it, they keep working with the same all their lives, what makes them pretty good with what they do.

Tommy, That’s all lovely and spot on, from a linguists point of view.However, this article title does end with “and why they’re useful”. I get the feeling you’re an academic, as in, you haven’t been laid off suddenly, walked out of a building with a box of your stuff because the company’s stock didn’t do so well this year, receiving (no matter how many years you worked with that company) no severance, perhaps your 401k slashed due to whatever economic hellstorm lead to your lay-off to begin with, and unemployment benefit checks that won’t even cover your health insurance much less your rent, and for a maximum of 6 months at best.

You feel in tone, to be in lofty union land of teaching.Or, perhaps you have been laid off, and are working 3 part time jobs to cobble your footing back after a layoff, and somehow also have the time to learn a dying language. Maybe you even have a job, in some academic culture, where you get weeks and weeks of vacation, certainly more than 15 days vacation per year.Perhaps you have delightful amounts of free time to learn dying languages, explore cultures, and fight the good fight against linguistic racism.For most of us, when we’re comparing the usefulness of languages to learn, it follows logically that they are considering business opportunities. I am, for instance, trying to figure out if it will do me more good to learn Hindustani or German, based on my career. Having experienced more than a few lay-offs, and now as a 50+ worker who has finally broken into IT, but also works heavily in EU marketing, I found this article very helpful. I think it is important to balance the value versus the difficulty.

Assuming you are speaking to USAmericans, I would say the ease would be:1. Any language where you have some family background (parent, grandparent, etc.). Often 2nd generation does not retain their language, just “kinder Deutsh”. Go ahead and master that tongue, though (whatever it is). You will have a big advantage with partial knowledge. In addition, your pronunciation and just your willingness to chat, will be much higher.2.

English has strong Latin roots derived from French (not from Romans). This makes many words similar, especially more complicated ones. Spanish is similar. Doesn’t have the direct connect but is very logical (so is French but Spanish is even more regular). German has little trickier grammar but the basic words are very similar to Anglo Saxon English words: milk/Milch for example.

All three of these are important world languages. And I would argue that even with the ascension of Asia, US and Europe remain extremely tied.

In addition all 3 have much more similar cultures, which makes some aspects of language learning easier.4. After this I would put other Romance or Germanic languages as next easy.5. I am not an expert on the ease of different non-Aryan languages (Semetic, etc.) Probably most are difficult in that almost everything is new/different. The one thing to potentially watch out for is the need for learning different script, especially if non alphabetic (Chinese/Japanese).6. For European languages, Russian and Latin itself have reputations for being more difficult than normal in terms of grammar.7. Obviously you need to lay on top of that the importance metric.

I agree with the importance of Arabic, Mandarin, etc. Just make sure not to ONLY look at importance, but also to look at effort required.