Edgar Cayce On Cancer
Posted By admin On 17.09.19 The recommendation for gentle, natural therapies is a hallmark of the Cayce approach. Here is an example of the readings’ approach to breast cancer. Note the reference to 'prenatal' (genetic) factors which is documented by a family history of cancer.Yes, we have the body here. This we have had before. Conditions are not so well with the body as when we last had same here. Those conditions as are prenatal in their effect, through the activity of forces made manifest in a physical body, are beginning to become in the manner of producing within the system an element as of its own resuscitation, living upon the life of the body-physical. That's a very good description of cancer, isn't it? For it is malignant in its nature, and has already attacked the mammary glands, and is going to be rather fast in its operation unless there are means taken as to check same. (2457-4)This woman was 38 years old when this reading was given. She followed the treatment recommended in her readings and was cured of her cancer. She lived for another 36 years, dying in in her sleep at the age of 74.
Edgar Cayce On Cancer Cure Video
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), who came to be known as the 'sleeping prophet,' was a Sunday School teacher and member of the Disciples of Christ Church. Despite this outward Christian identity, in his early life Cayce was open to occult practices. ‘An Edgar Cayce Anthology’ was published by the Edagar Cayce Foundation in 1979. In this book is an article by W.H. Church, on the spiritual and healing qualities of the almond, and its value as a cancer preventative. This article has much information which is gleaned from Edgar Cayce’s pyschic readings on the almond.