Prophesy Of Pendor Best Troops

Posted By admin On 23.09.19

Yet, the legends live on of a prophesy of hope. A tale of a champion who comes from a distant shore and unites the lords of Pendor under a single Ruler and brings peace and prosperity once again to this ravaged war-torn land.

Prophesy Of Pendor Best Troops

I realize this is a crack fit. So let me state that this is bad by crack standards.As much as I hate to defend the PRT, let's look at this from their standpoint. A massive group of heavily armed and armored capes pops into existence in the middle of a highschool. Capes are a thing, so the archaic looking armor and weapons means exactly zilch. Students and staff are reporting said capes making accusations of heresy, witch craft, demons, etc. So along with being hostile to high school students, they are presumably delusional, even outright insane.

The Heroes may have been a bit fast to assume they were villains, but they were not wrong to assume they were a clear and present danger to the school. The Pendor knights' behavior was not one of stable individuals. They made an entirely reasonable, if slightly extreme judgement.Then the PRT actually encounters the knights, and makes a perfectly reasonable demand for surrender. They were a group of heavily armed, visibly agitated soldiers in the middle of a high school.

Remember that this is the USA, the only first world country with school shootings outside of terrorist attacks. The knights react by accusing them of witch craft, being in league with a 'snake cult,' and being demons. All actions of perfectly reasonable, sane individuals./sarcasm So what does Taylor, AKA the one who should know better do? Order her troops to slaughter the PRT, take 3 members of the Protectorate for ransom, and flee further into the city.The fact that this is crack makes this worse, not better. We're supposed to laugh at Taylor slaughtering PRT troopers for doing their jobs right. Even if outright calling them villains was a bit premature, Taylor has done nothing to prove the PRT wrong, and everything to prove them right.

If this weren't crack, I'd at least be able to hope this were going to be played straight, with all the resulting bad things. Instead, I'm supposed to laugh at a curbstomp slaughter against people who have done nothing to deserve it.Congratulations. You've made me root for the PRT.Of course, this is to be expected from someone who thought not wiping out those smug ass elves was a good idea. Mount and Blade fics are incredibly rare as-is, but a good one? Now that is something unique.The scale might be a problem to write. I've seen it done decently where the author simply highlights scenes from across the war and leaves the details for us to fill in.Alternatively, the scale of the story could be shifted.


The armies could withdraw for some reason, be it diplomacy or a magical accident or something else entirely. Or perhaps Taylor simply undertakes a more personal quest, one that would be unfit for a large, slow, obvious army to undertake.

Is about as fine a Mount and Blade game as I’ve played to date. I prefer it to With Fire and Sword but that may be partly because I’ve not really given the newer title a chance because I’m playing Warband with two lovely mods that I can’t imagine doing without. The first is the, all it takes is a rejigging of configuration files, so if you like flames to go with your swords, you’re in luck. The second is, which is far from simple and altogether brilliant.Let’s get the little one out of the way first, shall we? It’s a that makes combat much more impressive by raising the number of people running around killing one another. I have to admit, when I first played Mount and Blade I didn’t think I wanted more people involved in the fights. It’s entirely possible to have large skirmishes in the base game, but once you’ve seen hundreds of tiny men flailing away at one another, it’s more natural to want more than less.

The only problem is that computer’s don’t like tracking all those little men and, more importantly, all their little bodies once they’ve been killed. Thankfully, turning off corpses means you should be able to enjoy all the fun of the fight without worrying about stuttering graphics at all.That’s a little mod to make things larger.

The next and most important Warband mod is, which has been brought across and enhanced from the. I haven’t played the most recent version but that’s because it was updated less than a week ago.

This isn’t some half-baked bunch of tweaks, it’s a total conversion that receives more care and attention than the majority of full-priced major studio releases. Install this and you get a whole new world with its own, heroes, factions and equipment. Personally, I’d prefer something historical done with the same depth but I’ve not found anything of that sort to match Pendor’s quality.All the work that’s gone into creating the world would be impressive enough, but there’s more. If you liked Warband, most of the things you enjoyed are now better. Events, quests and the economy have all been bulked up and the AI is much more fun to play with in battles.It’s a complete package and has kept me playing Warband far longer than I otherwise might have done.


Prophesy Of Pendor Best Troops In The World

The detailed backstory is hackneyed but you can ignore it if you want to, and hackneyed or not it makes Pendor a fully fleshed out world. The factions have history to them and the dialogue between NPCs reflects that.If Prophesy of Pendor was a standalone RPG, I’d thoroughly recommend it. It’s taken more of my time than games I’ve paid full price for. As a mod, it’s an outstanding piece of work that must have taken a staggering amount of man-hours to bring to this state. And it’s still growing.Next week, something more action-packed for the itchy trigger fingers among you.