Computer Graphics In Hindi

Posted By admin On 14.10.19

Computer Graphics Book In Hindi Pdf

Blobby object in computer graphics in hindi

Computer Graphics. Solid Modeling:Representing Solids, Regularized Boolean Set Operations, Primitive Instancing, Sweep Representations, Spatial-Partitioning Representations – Octree representation, B-Reps, Constructive Solid Geometry, Comparison of Representations – Visible-Surface Determination:Techniques for efficient Visible-Surface Algorithms. Video Display Devices Cathode Ray Tube in Hindi Computer Graphics. Computer graphics को विक्षनरी में देखें जो एक मुक्त शब्दकोश है। कंप्यूटर ग्राफ़िक्स एवं एनिमेशन का इतिहास.

That works at the (interface) between a and its, and which employs elements (dialog boxes, icons, menus, bars) instead of text characters to let the user give commands to the computer or to manipulate what is on the. GUI elements are usually accessed through a pointing such as a mouse, pen, or stylus. All programs running under a GUI use a set of graphical elements so that once the user learns a particular, he or she can use all programs without additional or new commands.

Pioneered by Xerox and by Apple computers, GUI is now by all modern operating systems and application programs.

Ray traced model demonstrating specular reflection.Reflection in is used to emulate objects like and shiny surfaces.Reflection is accomplished in a ray trace renderer by following a ray from the eye to the mirror and then calculating where it bounces from, and continuing the process until no surface is found, or a non-reflective surface is found. Reflection on a shiny surface like wood or tile can add to the photorealistic effects of a 3D rendering. Polished - A polished reflection is an undisturbed reflection, like a mirror or chrome. Blurry - A blurry reflection means that tiny random bumps on the surface of the material cause the reflection to be blurry.

Computer Basics In Hindi

What is computer graphics in hindi

Metallic - A reflection is metallic if the highlights and reflections retain the color of the reflective object. Glossy - This term can be misused. Sometimes, it is a setting which is the opposite of blurry (e.g. When 'glossiness' has a low value, the reflection is blurry). However, some people use the term 'glossy reflection' as a synonym for 'blurred reflection'. Glossy used in this context means that the reflection is actually blurred.