Driver Gps Garmin 60
Posted By admin On 22.09.19Comparison between the Bluetooth only Garmin Drive Smart 60 VS the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Drive Smart 61 LMT-S GPS navigation units.
.GPS 60 navigator owner’s manual.Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin web site ( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and.Serial Number: Contact Garmin If you should encounter any difficulty while using your GPS 60, or if you have any questions, in the U.S.A. Contact Garmin Product Support by phone: 913/397-8200 or 800/800-1020, Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm Central Time.Getting Started. 1 Installing Batteries. 1 Learning Key Functions. 2 Start Up and Initialization.
4 Initializing the GPS Receiver. 4 The Main Page Sequence.
5 Status Bar, Backlighting, and Contrast. 6 The Satellite Page. 7 GPS Navigation.
7 The Map Page.The Setup Menu. 39 Saving Battery Life.
39 System Setup. 40 Display Setup. 41 Interface Setup.
41 Tones Setup. 44 Page Sequence Setup. 44 Using the Map Setup Feature.
45 Map Setup—General Settings. 45 Map Setup—Tracks Settings.Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin. You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and is protected under the United States of America copyright laws and interna- tional copyright treaties.FCC Compliance Information NOTE: The GPS 60 does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by an authorized Garmin service center.
Unauthorized repairs or modifica- tions could result in permanent damage to the equipment, and void your warranty and your authority to operate this device under Part 15 regulations.Introduction Warnings and Precautions viii CAUTION: Use the GPS 60 at your own risk. To reduce the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review and understand all aspects of this Owner’s Manual and thoroughly practice operation using the Demo Mode (GPS off) prior to actual use. When in actual use, carefully compare indi- cations from the GPS 60 to all available navigation sources, including the information from other NAVAIDs, visual sightings, charts, etc.MAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of Garmin is to provide customers with the most complete and accurate cartography that is available to us at a reasonable cost.
We use a combination of govern- mental and private data sources, which we identify as required in product literature and copyright messages displayed to the consumer.Introduction Warnings and Precautions Important Because the Garmin GPS 60 can be used for vehicular navigation, important safety considerations must be observed. Please read and observe the instructions on this page. Do Not Mount Where Do Not Place Unsecured Driver’s Field of.Installing the Batteries The GPS operates on two “AA” batteries (not included). Alkaline or NiMH batteries may be used (see p. 40 to set the battery type). Stored data will not be lost when batteries are removed.
To install batteries: 1.Getting Started Learning Key Functions IN/OUT Zoom Keys. From the Map Page, press and release to zoom in or out. From any other page, press to scroll up or down a list. FIND Key. Press and release at any time to view the Find Page.Belt Clip/Auxiliary Connector Mount. Provides convenient access when hiking or walking.
Auxiliary GPS Antenna Connector (under weather cover). Provides connection to a remote GPS antenna. USB Connector Port (under weather cover). Provides interface to a PC for faster data transfer.The Satellite Page Initializing the GPS Receiver Each time you turn on the GPS 60, it will begin searching for satellite signals.
The first time you turn on the unit, you must wait for the GPS to initialize.Getting Started The Main Page Sequence The Main Page Sequence When you turn on your GPS 60, you will see the Welcome Page and then the Satellite Page. The Satellite Page is the first in the sequence of five Main Pages: Satellite Page, Trip Computer Page, Map Page, Compass Page, and Main Menu Page.Getting Started Status Bar, Backlighting, and Contrast Status Bar The Status Bar appears at the top of the each Main Page and contains icons that represent GPS 60 functions (see below).
Using Battery Power Using Auxiliary Power Acquiring Satellites 2-Dimensional Navigation 3-Dimensional Navigation Backlight is On Alarm is Set.The Satellite Page The Satellite Page displays information about the satellite signals the GPS 60 is receiving. In the middle of the page, you can see a number of satellite icons with numbers; each number represents a specific satellite in space.GPS Navigation The Map Page Compass Pointer Position Arrow Zoom Scale The Map Page Accuracy Circle Panning Arrow Using the Map Page The Map Page is the primary navigation feature of the GPS 60. You can use the Map Page to do the following:.Changing the Map Page Display You can display the Map Page in Track Up or North Up orientation (see p. 45 to change orientation).
Track Up means the map is always ori- ented with the direction you are traveling at the top of the page. North Up means that no matter what direction you are traveling, the map is always oriented with North at the top of the page.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation The Map Page Changing Data Fields Use the ROCKER key to scroll through the list of possible data fields.
When you find a data field you want to display, highlight it and press ENTER. To change which data fields appear: 1.Measuring Distance This Map Page option allows you to determine the distance between two points on the Map Page. Distances are measured in straight lines. To measure distance: 1. Press until you see the Map Page.
Press the key to display the Map Page Options Menu.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation The Compass Page Data Fields The Compass Page Course The Course Pointer indicates your course of travel and the distance you drift off Using the Compass Page The Compass Page uses traditional navigation to display your current direction of travel and keep headed toward your destination.To display the Course Pointer or Bearing Pointer: 1. From the Compass Page, press the MENU to highlight ‘Course Pointer’ and press 2. To view the Bearing Pointer, press MENU and press ENTER To display data fields: 1. From the Compass Page, press the MENU to highlight ‘Data Fields’.GPS Navigation The Trip Computer Page The Trip Computer Page You can change which data fields appear, use big numbers to view data, or reset data fields with the Trip Computer Page Trip Computer Page Menu Using the Trip Computer Page The Trip Computer Page displays a wide variety of travel data that is useful for navigating long distances.About the Main Menu You can access the following pages from the Main Menu Page:. Tracks—Maintains a record of your movements (track log). Routes—Use to create and save a list of points you want to navi-.
gate to in a specific order. Highway—A useful graphic perspective for navigating a route.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation Waypoints MARK Press the MARK key to create a waypoint at your current location. The waypoint appears on the Map Page with a name and ‘Symbol’ field Select to view waypoint on Map Page. Select to average waypoint The Mark Waypoint Page.To create a waypoint with the map panning arrow: 1. On the Map Page, press the ROCKER the map panning arrow to the place where you want to save a waypoint. Press to mark a waypoint.
Garmin Gps 60 Driver Mac
If there is no map information ENTER at that point, a message appears: ‘Do you want to create a user waypoint here?’.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation Waypoints The Average Location Page As you wait, the waypoint position becomes more accurate. Averaging Waypoint Location The GPS 60 can calculate an average position for a waypoint over time to makes the waypoint location more accurate. You can also average waypoint location at any time from the Waypoint options menu.To edit or delete a waypoint: 1. Press, use the key to highlight ‘Waypoints,’ and press FIND ROCKER ENTER 2. Select the waypoint you want to edit from the list and press The Waypoint Information Page appears. Make any necessary changes to the name, symbol, or elevation fields as described previously.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation Waypoints Project Waypoint Page Projected Waypoint on the Map Projecting a Waypoint You can create a waypoint that is located a certain distance and bear- ing away from an existing waypoint or other point on the map. Creating a waypoint in this way is called projecting a waypoint.Proximity Waypoints The Proximity Waypoints Page allows you to designate waypoints that have alarm circles around them at specified distances.
The alarm helps you avoid locations that are restricted or dangerous. To create a proximity waypoint: 1.
Press PAGE until you see the Main Menu Page. Highlight ‘Proximity’ and press ENTER 2.GPS Navigation Finding Places The Find Page without Optional MapSource Data The Find Page with Optional MapSource Data Using the Find Page Use the Find Page to search for waypoints, geocache points, cities, and recently found places. If you have loaded optional MapSource Points of Interest data, you can also search for restaurants, lodging, exits, ser- vices, and more.Finding Waypoints Use the Find Page to locate waypoints quickly and easily. All waypoints are listed in alphabetical order.
Once you select a waypoint, you can view it on the map, edit the waypoint, or create a route to it from your current location.For more information on geocache points, see p. 47, or visit our website, NOTE: Before setting up and placing physical geocache stations on public or private land, be certain you are not in violation of ordinances or laws governing use of these properties.Finding Cities The Find Cities feature allows you to search for cities all over the world.
Once you find a city, you can view it on the map or create a route to it. To find a city: 1. From the Find Page, use the ROCKER and press ENTER.GPS Navigation Finding Places The Find Page—Detailed When you find a Point of Interest, press ENTER to view address and telephone number or to create a route to that Finding Points of Interest If you have loaded optional MapSource Points of Interest (POI) data, you can search for all Points of Interest, including restaurants, interstate exits, lodging, services, and more.Finding a Recently Found Place The Recent Finds Page saves all of your most recent searches in a list.
The place you found most recently appears at the top of the list. When you exceed the number of entries the list can hold, the oldest entries are deleted.GPS Navigation Finding Places Use the ‘Change Reference’ option to calculate the distance and bearing from another point on the map to the waypoint. The ‘From Current Location’ field changes to ‘From Map. Average Location—Used with waypoints only, it samples a waypoint location over time and averages the result for a more accurate position reference (see p.Using a Track Log The Tracks feature creates an electronic trail on the Map Page as you move. This trail is called a Track Log, and it contains information about points along its path, including time, position, and elevation.
You can use a Track Log to do the following:.GPS Navigation Tracks Choose whether you want to save the entire track or part of a track. Saving Part of a Track Choose the beginning point and ending point for the saved track. Then select ‘OK’ to save.
Highlight the ‘Record Method’ field and press ‘Distance,’.The Saved Track Page From the Saved Track Page, you can rename a track, view the track distance, and calculated the area encompassed by the track (you can calculate area even if the track is open ended). On-screen buttons at the bottom of the page allow you to save (OK), delete, view the track on the Map Page, and navigate the track in reverse (TracBack).GPS Navigation Tracks Select the point you want to TracBack to and then press ENTER to begin navigating your track in reverse. To use the TracBack feature: 1. From the Tracks Page or Saved Tracks Page, highlight ‘TracBack’ and press ENTER 2.Creating and Using a Route A route gives you straight-line directions from one point to another, or from one point to several others. The GPS 60 can store fifty routes that contain up to 250 points each. You can create routes that include waypoints or points of interest with the Routes Page.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation Routes Starting and Stopping Navigation Creating a Route with a ‘Go To’ To activate a saved route: 1.
From the Main Menu Page, use the ‘Routes’ and press ENTER 2. Highlight the route in the list that you want to use and press 3.Editing Routes Once you have created a route, it is automatically saved in a list on the Routes Page. Your GPS 60 names the route using the names of the first and last waypoints. Highlight a route and press ENTER to view a list of all the points included in the route.GPS Navigation Routes Deleting a Route The Route Detail Page Menu To replace one point in a route with another: 1. Highlight a saved route on the Routes Page and press highlight a waypoint or point in the route and press 2.Advanced Feature: Changing Route Transition If you include several points in a route, you may want to use the Route Transition feature to tell your GPS 60 when you want it to direct you to a new waypoint in the route.
By default, the GPS 60 automati- cally directs you to the next waypoint.GPS Navigation The Highway Page The Highway Page Press MENU to access a list of options for the Highway Page. Navigating with the Highway Page The Highway Page is a three-dimensional view of the route you are currently navigating. To access the Highway Page, highlight Highway on the Main Menu Page and press ENTER.The Setup Menu The Setup Menu allows you to customize the GPS 60 to your personal preferences. Using the Setup Menu, you can save battery life, and you can change almost any setting on your GPS 60. To access the Setup Menu, highlight Setup from the Main Menu Page and press ENTER.GPS Navigation The Setup Menu Battery Saver Mode System Setup Page To mute beep tones: 1.
From the Setup Menu, highlight ‘Tones’ and press 2. Highlight the ‘Mute’ checkbox and press To put GPS in battery-saver mode: 1. From the Setup Menu, highlight System and press 2.MapSource data with a PC. Use this option when trans- ferring data with MapSource software. GARMIN DGPS—The proprietary format used with a Garmin differ- ential beacon receiver (e.g., GBR 21). Allows you to tune the beacon receiver directly from the GPS 60.GPS Navigation NMEA In/NMEA Out—Supports input and output of standard NMEA 0183 version 3.01 data. Text Out—Allows ASCII text output of location and velocity informa- The Setup Menu tion.
RTCM In—Provides DGPS input using a standard RTCM SC-104 format.Use the ROCKER key to highlight ‘Baud Rate’ and press key to highlight the desired setting and press ROCKER 4. For Garmin DGPS or RTCM In/NMEA Out, use the highlight ‘Beacon’ and press ENTER ‘Scan’ or ‘User’ and press ENTER If you select ‘Scan,’.GPS Navigation The Setup Menu Choose from nineteen different tones for each field, or choose ‘Off’ to turn the tone off for that field. Tones Setup The Tones Setup Page allows you to customize the signal tones for a variety of unit features. To change or mute tones: 1.Using the Map Setup Feature The map display for your GPS 60 is user-configurable. The Map Setup pages let you change map orientation, text size, track display, map item display, detailed map data display and more. You may want to wait until you are more familiar with the operation of your unit before you change Map Setup features.GPS Navigation GPS Navigation The Setup Menu Map Setup—Tracks Map Setup—Points Map Setup—Text Map Setup—Information Map Setup—Tracks Settings The second page contains Tracks settings. You have settings for maxi- mum zoom for viewing saved tracks and active track logs.
You can set the number of track points for recording a track and select either a bearing or course line for navigating a track.Geocache Setup The Geocache Setup Page allows you to configure geocaching settings. Refer to the Garmin website for details and how to download geocache locations from the internet (To use the Geocache Setup feature: 1. From the Setup Page, highlight ‘Geocache’ and press 2.GPS Navigation The Setup Menu Time Setup The Time Setup Page allows you to set the correct time for your geographic location.
To use the Time Setup feature: 1. From the Setup Page, highlight ‘Time’ and press 2.
Highlight the Time Format field and press or 24 (Military Time) hour formats.Heading Setup The Heading Setup Page allows you to specify the type of heading display and the type of North Reference used to calculate your heading. Unless you have a working knowledge of Headings and North Referenc- ing, we recommended that you use the default values. To use the Heading Setup feature: 1.GPS Features Calendar The Calendar Page— Week Format On each day page, you can view sunrise and sunset times, hunting and fishing information and wapoints associated with that day. Calendar The Calendar allows you to view Sunrise/Sunset times, moon phase, and Hunt and Fish probabilities on a given day.Alarm Clock The Alarm Clock Feature turns your GPS 60 into an alarm clock. You can choose from different alarm tones and use the “Snooze” feature to delay the alarm for an additional seven minutes. To set the Alarm Clock: 1.GPS Features Stopwatch Stopwatch Page Distance Setting Lap By Distance Stopwatch This feature allows you to use the GPS 60 as a stopwatch, which includes a lap timer.
You may also have the unit record the lap time based on distance. From the Main Menu, highlight ‘Stopwatch’ and press ENTER.Sun and Moon The Sun and Moon Tables show you the positions of the sun and moon relative to the Earth. You can view sun and moon positions for any time, date and location on Earth. The Sun and Moon Page also displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset times for the selected time, date and location.GPS Features Hunt and Fish Hunt and Fish Page Hunt and Fish The Hunt and Fish Tables provide you with a listing of predicted best times for hunting and fishing for a chosen date and location. Keep in mind that these times are just an estimate based on the position of the moon.Games The GPS 60 includes games as an entertainment feature.
Most of these games are GPS-based, and all of them are fun! Note: When playing any of the virtual games (where you are moving about on a real playing field), use reasonable and prudent caution in selecting an area free of hazards such a holes, obstruc- tions or proximity to vehicular traffic.GPS Features Games To adjust the Grid or Square Size in custom mode: 1. Highlight the ‘Grid Size’ or ‘Square Size’ field and press select from the options lists. Highlight ‘Start’ and press ENTER 3.
Highlight ‘Re-Center’ and press ENTER middle of the game board.Field size choices are small, medium and large, with small fields being roughly 20 yards by 30 yards and large fields being 60 yards by 90 yards (about the size of an American football field). The difficulty levels are Easy, Normal and Hard. These levels de- termine how often Gekos appear.GPS Features Games Beast Hunt Although not a true GPS game, Beast Hunt requires some navigation skills. You must find and defeat the dragon with an arrow (before the dragon gets you!) while navigating a maze of platforms. From time to time you will be transported by slides that curve or move you diagonally.Accessories (included with the unit) Wrist Strap—Provides convenient method for carrying the unit.
4k camera car plate distance. Belt Clip—Attaches to the back of the unit and clips to belt or waist- band. USB Interface Cable—Provides connection to a PC for data transfer. Also includes MapSource Trip and Waypoint Manager CD-ROM with USB Drivers.Appendices PC Interface Cable—Provides connection to a PC for data transfer. PC Interface Cable with Auxiliary Power Supply—Provides connec- tion to a PC for data transfer. Appendix A: Accessories Interface Cable—Wiring harness. Bare wire connections for data input/output. Carrying Case—Provides protection during transport of the unit.
Driver Gps Garmin 600
Manufacturer:GarminHardware Type:GPSModel:GPSMAPSeries:60Compatibility:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10Downloads:81,235,881Download Size:3.4 MBDatabase Update:Available Using DriverDoc:Optional Offer for DriverDoc by Solvusoft This page contains information about installing the latest Garmin GPSMAP 60 driver downloads using the.Garmin GPSMAP 60 drivers are tiny programs that enable your GPS hardware to communicate with your operating system software. Maintaining updated Garmin GPSMAP 60 software prevents crashes and maximizes hardware and system performance. Using outdated or corrupt Garmin GPSMAP 60 drivers can cause system errors, crashes, and cause your computer or hardware to fail. Furthermore, installing the wrong Garmin drivers can make these problems even worse.Recommendation: If you are inexperienced with updating Garmin device drivers manually, we highly recommend downloading the.
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This tool will download and update the correct Garmin GPSMAP 60 driver versions automatically, protecting you against installing the wrong GPSMAP 60 drivers.