Mass Effect 3 Squad Weapons

Posted By admin On 02.10.19

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This Squad Members Guide details information and strategies corresponding to each of the squad members Shepard can acquire during the course of Mass Effect 3, including recommendations for use against particular enemy types and a quick reference table.

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)ME3 SPOILER(#s 'Femshep is best Shep.' )MEA SPOILER(#s 'Sara and Scott are twins.' Just looking to get a general idea of what people think are the best ME3 weapons in each category. So far, the only solid opinion I have is that the Spike Thrower is probably the best shotgun. You might give me an alternative to try, but chances are after trying it I won't like it as much.I also love the Matlock for assault rifles, or the Harrier if I need something fully automatic, but at that point I figure I might as well use the Revenant. I've also heard very good things about the Sabre, but never dedicated myself to it.

Mass Effect 3 Squad WeaponsMass Effect 3 Squad Weapons

The Particle Rifle is also fun, if not always practical.For pistols, I absolutely love the Executioner, but it's almost redundant to sniper rifles in a lot of ways. Which, I suppose if you're looking for a lighter sniper rifle, it works.I also have no idea which SMG is the best to use.

At all.Those are my opinions, though. I want to hear from you all.FYI: I have full DLC, including weapons packs. So don't feel like you need to not include those options. And if you don't have that DLC, I'm still interested in hearing your opinion on the weapons that the game originally comes with. Mass effect 2:Pistol: carnifexSMG: Locust, it's fucking amazingAR: Geth pulse rifle all the way son!ME3:Pistol: the predator or the carnifex at the start of the game, when you can afford it buy the paladin, and after the citadel DLC you get the M-11, but you might want to save that for after finishing the gameSMG:Since you have the DLC, geth smg, IT'S FUCKING AWESOMEAR: Mattock, there's just no discussion here, The lancer is great, but it's from citadel so the same thing as the M-11, and the valkyrie is fucking amazing, I suggest you try it for at least a few missions.

I've seen that error a lot and it just bothers me, sorry.Assault Rifles: Harrier is probably the best, but I personally LIVE for the Vindicator. It's been my favorite since ME2, and I absolutely love the burst shot. Adas is also very fun.Sniper Rifles: I don't use them much so I'm not sure.

I will say the Javelin is probably the best, because it has such high damage and can shoot through a ton of cover. I love the Kishock Harpoon Gun, though, especially when using it on a Batarian in multiplayer.Shotguns: I like the Disciple a lot because it's so light. My second favorite is probably the Pirahna becuase of the automatic flechette fire, which is super cool.Heavy Pistols: I like the Executioner too! But it's too heavy.


I'll usually use the Talon, because it's like a lighter shotgun, and with pistol piercing, it's satisfying to kill a Guardian with their own gun.Sub-Machine Gun: The Hurricane is beautiful and shreds through everything. It's a solid choice for any class. For SP, the venom shotgun is incredibly overpowered, and makes Insanity feel like Narrative. Oneshots groups of weaker enemies, and can take down brutes/atlases/banshees in 2 or 3. It was fun to sail through one playthrough with it, but I don't allow myself to use it anymore, as it removes any semblance of challenge from the game. Can't say how good it is in MP, as I don't have it.Don't know if it's the best, but the M-7 Lancer is my weapon of choice.

Before I get it, I use the Indra or the Raptor. I tend to pick weapons based off of characters and what I have available, but I'd like to mention my favorite AR that gets no love.

The damn Adas ASR is a absolute murder machine. It's heavy and needs larger magazine sizes (Especially on MP), but dear lord does it plow through enemies.Overall?. Sniper = Mantis/Valiant. SMG = Hurricane and maybe Locust.

Mass Effect 3 Best Weapons For Squad Members

AR = Adas, Sabre, Phaeston, OP BS CANNONHarrier. Pistol = Arc Pistol, Executioner and Arc PistolAcolyte. Shotguns = Piranha, Reegar, Claymore and Crusader slugger.

Mass Effect 3 Change Squad Weapons

How to enable console:In build 1.2.5427.16 (latest patch, as of this post), you can patch the bytes in MassEffect3.exe at file offset 0x1518AEC from A0 7B 6B to 60 31 D6 to enable the console. Note that there will be no output from your commands, but they will work (if properly entered).For example, from the main menu, try the command open BioPMPNov.How to enter commands:-1)press Tilde key to open console. After that you can press TAB or Tildekey to write commands.2)use space between wordscommandspaceoptionalcommand2ndNamespaceitem or valuepressENTER3)example:giveitem self avengerHow to read this file:-command namecommand example;this is what commentary looks like in this fileCOMMAND LISTexecexec commands.txt;batch-executes commands in txt file, on the go,when ingame just Alt-Tab to notepad, edit commands, save, and back in game launch exec. Commands.txt file must be placed in binaries folder where me3config is.each line in txtfile must contain one command, like-godgiveitem self avengerfov 90-atat biopnor;this command moves player to another location. You can play whatewer mission without squad members if you currently are on citadel or normandy, and with sqad if you currently are in missionopenopen biopmpnov;this command loads mission with default level 1 character.