Devil May Cry Drawings Nero Kyrie

Posted By admin On 29.09.19

The Protagonist We Deserve. Nero was originally introduced in Devil May Cry 4, and was received with mixed feelings. As Devil May Cry 4 did little to create an origin story for the character, we were left wanting to know more on who Nero was as a person. This profile contains spoilers for the game Devil May Cry 5. Proceed with caution. Nero is the son of Vergil and an unnamed woman. He was raised as a demon-slaying Holy Knight by the Order of the Sword, a religious group that worships Sparda as 'The Savior'. Nero is forced to confront his.

  1. Devil May Cry 5 Kyrie
  2. Kyrie Devil May Cry Wiki
  3. Devil May Cry Drawings Nero Kyrie 2

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Themes(Reuben Langdon) Filters(Or use RES filtering). So Kyrie is well known to be not much of a character, the dime a dozen pure princess waifu you see throughout Japanese media, who exists just to get Nero motivated.Which kind of punches a hole in Nero's likability whenever she's involved, 'cause we don't really care about her. DMC5 seems likely to fix this problem by shoving her into the background and letting Nico take her role as primary supporting female.

Which I'm honestly cool with, but in the interest of speculation and creative thinking.How would you fix Kyrie in DMC5?If you'd like some prompting, let's recap where she's at by the end of DMC4: Her life is fucked. Turns out her Church cult thing was lead by a ton of evil wannabe demons, one of which was her brother. Said brother apparently kept a ton of secrets from her and died before she could get closure about any of that.

Her boyfriend's also kept secrets regarding demonic power, that's a talking to. And she was absorbed into some demon statue shit. Who knows what that did to her.Oh, and her town has probably gone full demonic Mad Max, between the evacuation, the demonic invasion, the mass destruction caused by both the Savior and the crumbling Hellgate, and the mass chaos caused by the Church falling apart/going evil in a city that seemed to be massively influenced if not outright run by it.In short: She should have had a full psychotic break as soon as the credits hit in DMC4. Presumably she didn't, but she'd have been justified to. You could do a lot with that: Maybe she doubled down, went full fanatic and rallied the church. Maybe rejected it all and is trying to find her place with Nero.

Maybe she's grown apart from Nero after all the lies from everyone else, and is trying to find a place for herself elsewhere. Maybe just trying to rebuild Fortuna?You could go a lot of different directions, and convey them very simply with her design/her and Nero's dialogue, maybe some internal conflict on Nero's part regarding the ongoing conflict.So. TL;DR: How do you flesh out Kyrie in DMC5? What's she been up to, and most importantly, how is it effecting Nero in DMC5?. I’d be super down with her having asked Nero to teach her how to defend herself, or maybe asked Lady to take her under her wing. The dream would be her having learned how to fight like Credo as her tribute to him, though obviously she’s a normal human. Though if they keep her as just the normal person in the cast it’d be pretty cool if she’s like the secretary of Nero’s version of Devil May Cry.Also I’d find it pretty interesting if her and Nero are straight up married.

If 5 rolls around and turns out Nero’s just got a steady relationship at home before Vergil comes and fucks it up that’d be cool. And it’d highlight the difference between him and the eternal virgin Dante (shut up it’s canon dammit!) too. If you really wanted to make her a Lady-class fighter, you could maybe swing it as her time in the Savior's heart had longterm side effects. Let that justify her stepping up with a strength boost, then training so she could fight like Credo. Alternatively, give her the power to animate Angelo's. So her fighting style instead revolves around commanding them into formations that resemble Credo's fighting patterns.Like her walking forward with a shielded Angelo floating ahead of her. Her sending a Bianco flying at the enemy like one of Credo's spears.


Devil May Cry 5 Kyrie

Sending them to fly around an enemy like his summoned sword stuff. Having each Angelo launch one attack of Credo's sword combo, one after the next. Etc.So despite still having human physical capabilities, she'd be able to step up with her Stand powers, learning how to command like her brother once did. Plus it'd make her a better support character, letting her protect civilians while the shit's going down.

You bring up a lot of good points. I would love to see how Kyrie could be written after going through all of that. But, I wonder if that's too much to handle in DMC5. If leaks are to go by, we have 3 campaigns for each 3 characters.

Nero's seems to be a revenge story, and is presumably away from Kyrie to fight at Red Grave. And, we don't know what's up with Dante or V yet. I wonder if developing Kyrie might bloat the story or hurt it's pacing? As cool as an idea it is to see what Kyrie would be like after DMC4, I think she is only going to show up as a cameo unfortunately. Maybe Itsuno will prove us wrong though.

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Kyrie Devil May Cry Wiki

Yeah, like I said: DMC5 seems set to fix the Kyrie problem by shoving her into the background and letting Nico do the heavylifting support character-wise. Which I'm cool with, cause she already seems way more fun. But if they were inclined to do some development with her, I don't think it'd necessitate a great deal, because she's so nothing anything would show improvement.Like if we get one conversation between Nero and Kyrie in the leadup to Daddy V showing up to disarm Nero, where they actually talk to one another about what they're both doing, that could be enough. One conversation where it's established Kyrie's been doing her own stuff while Nero's out demon hunting, maybe a bit of casual physical contact, a hug, holding hands, etc. Hell, that'd be a prime time for Nero to mention that it's been rough for her after 4, and for her to reaffirm how she's getting through it.

Something to show she's a character, not a Macguffin past her use. Devil may cry artbook 3-1-4-2, page 216, eighth paragraph:-Hiraki: I bet without kyrie, Nero would have followed a path similar to Vergil's. He only put ups with the order grudgingly because of Kyrie and Credo. She is the main connection to the human world and his only motivation to fight, like He drop-kicks Dante because Kyrie is in danger. If Kyrie hadn't been there, He would have just put his headphones on and wandered off.

'Not my bussiness, not my problem'-Nara: That really would be like Vergil, huh?' -Hiraki: I bet that if Kyrie were to die somehow, He'd go to the demon world ans start saying 'Give me power' (laughs).Hiroyuki Nara was the lead motion manager for DMC4, who was responsible for animating Dante and also served as the game's character creation supervisor.Youichiro Hiraki was the motion artist for DMC4 who primarily worked on Nero. That's not Itsuno. And as I said, if Nero's character depends on another character, who happens to be a non-character, to have morality then then his foundation as a character is weak.It's like me saying idgaf about absolutely anything, except for my girlfriend. What she cares about, I care about.


Devil May Cry Drawings Nero Kyrie 2

You see the problem? At 18 years old that makes sense because he's still young and figuring out who he is. At 26+ it's embarrassing. That's basically a character with no spine or personality. Kyrie is a krutch that doesn't allow Nero to grow at all. And it's doubly worse because she has no depth at all.

He’s said that without Kyrie he would essentially turn into Vergil. I can’t be arsed tracking down the quote, do it yourself.And no I don’t fucking want that seeing as its the only thing that makes him interesting. The fact that he would have just fucked off from the Order and literally didn’t give a shit about anything happening in 4 unless Kyrie was involved because he doesn’t care if he’s a demon as long as he can protect her is why I like him. Even ignoring the Sparda and Eva parallel.His ‘ideals’ without Kyrie is be a sardonic edgelord.

Formerly a teenage sardonic edgelord. Also a two minute trailer told you everything about how they’re gonna handle his character huh.Edit: oh wait I forgot you’re the one obsessed with her being dead and a ruin of his character. Lol shouldn’t have bothered replying.